PIP-46: Partnership with Questly - Paraswap Christmas Adventure

Wow I’m speechless… All I can say is you both proved one thing: Immaturity!

I vote NO for this & anything coming from you in the future…

I’ve deleted 2 off-topic impulsive replies that added nothing to the proposal.
Sorry for that. This is not the right place.

It’s just that I can clearly see what we want to bring to our community, with this quests campaign we’re working on for several weeks.

It’s just so frustrating not being able to make you see that it won’t be like the past failures.


I salute Paradigme for his personal mea culpa. For my part, I’m going to try and show you just how valuable this proposal is.

I’ve been financially invested in Paraswap for 2 years now, and I’ve been involved in DAO full-time for over a year. I was lucky enough to take part in Troopers during the first batch. I was involved in many, if not all, of the proposals to defend Paraswap’s interests. And I have worked and continue to do so on my networks to glorify this protocol.
You know me as someone who’s frank and rather direct, and that probably explains why this very fine debate got out of hand.

DAOs are political places, and everything is about finesse and discretion. We are responsible for this immaturity in our responses, which could be better formulated with more finesse. I’ve been learning to avoid this kind of slip-up for 2 years now.

However, this debate should not get bogged down in this childish exchange and it is important today to consider the proposal we are putting forward. Because that’s what it’s all about! Should we trust active, recognised and former members of the DAO with projects in partnership with service providers? Or should we not?

On 5 October, Questly knocked on our DAO’s door to discuss a partnership. Questly <> ParaSwap - Governance Proposals - ParaSwap DAO. I was the first to turn them down because I was disappointed with the partnership with Layer3.
After going to their site and seeing how successful their product was for Clipper, I couldn’t help but be excited by their work.
Questly is a way of making a quest season ultra-personal. It was clear that this would fit in with all the obstacles Paraswap faces in attracting new users or bringing back stakers and liquidity providers.
On 9 October we made an appointment to talk face-to-face with @Greta, their COO. The contact went really well, and we started testing their platform thanks to the provision of an admin account and test users. It was clear that the quests available weren’t enough to make this Christmas season exciting and thrilling.
So we asked Questly about the possibility of expanding their range of quests.

Here are all the proposals submitted to Questly so that we could have a basis for our work and the most likely product appeal.

Questly sent us this document with the information we needed to meet the very tight deadline we had.

Let’s take a moment to explain that deadline.

With several years’ experience in crypto-currencies, we’ve seen that the Christmas period is rich in interaction with social networks and conducive to capturing users/stakers. Offering a calendar of 25 missions over 25 days is, in our view, a good start to a commercial narrative.

We therefore asked Questly to develop several quests that could be completed within the given timeframe. Here is the quote provided by Questly

We fought hard to get this quote because we didn’t want to go beyond what was being done on other platforms, despite the much greater demand for development and investment. Greta and Max proved to be good sportsmen in the negotiations to reach this consensus.

To this quote, we’ve added 5k$ in $ETH for rewards, as well as 3k$ in Sepsp1 for Paradigme and myself.

So we’ve come up with a proposal where no PSP will be sold or supplied, and at prices in line with the competition. With the exception that we will be offering a completely new product.

As you saw above, I’m not a big fan of quests, and I even dismissed Questly out of hand. Do you think the desire behind this proposal is purely financial? I’m not even going to answer because the answer is so obvious.

My motivation today is to succeed in making this partnership a real electroshock for unsophisticated users who are reluctant to use Paraswap or to invest in it. And a major support for those who are currently investors in Paraswap but who have difficulty in conveying the message behind this protocol and the way it rewards its investors.

Paraswap is gold, and we’re convinced that our partnership with Questly could bring this deposit to light! We don’t want to unveil the quest calendar, as it would be too advantageous for future participants to know what the quests entail. However, you should know that this calendar has a common thread, a well-established schedule so that everyone who participates feels obliged to do the next day.

So should we be giving figures? I don’t have any figures to give you because I don’t know whether we’ll have the support of Twitter Paraswap if this proposal goes through to the vote.

We’ve tried to contact the people in charge of the Paraswap networks in order to be able to offer maximum transparency to this proposal, but unfortunately to date I haven’t had any feedback.
It’s hard to know what the commitment will be if the parent network doesn’t support a project backed by the DAO.

So you want figures? I’ll give you what I produce with my account and these 83 subscribers.

Because yes, I’ve already worked to generate attention (at my little level because i’m bullish on this partnership). I canvassed partners even before the vote was over to create a stronger common dynamic. All this without knowing whether or not the vote would be accepted. But I’m sure our commitment exceeds what some people here have in mind.

So I’m getting 12% likes and 7% RTs with 202 views.

On debank it’s more important because of the prize pool.

Still, visibility and attractiveness won’t be a problem if users like the quest season.

Our objectives are not short. It will be easy to see the RTs, likes and presence on social networks. But the objective now is to convince people through fun learning, convey the right information and achieve lasting impact.

Paraswap hasn’t changed since its creation, it’s just got better.
Give us the opportunity to showcase this progress in December.


Hey folks,

Wanted to give you a better understanding of what we’re doing at Questly so you guys feel comfortable about what we can deliver:

Questly was born out of the partnership with ClipperDEX. We created the vision alongside Mark Lurie, Clippe CEO, to tailor DEXES’s needs most of all.

Some results we’ve got so far:

  1. For Sushiswap, we built a custom quest that allowed people to trade ˜US$1M on a special Toshi token trade competition.

  2. For XOX Labs, we promoted their token prelaunch, and over 30% fo sales were done via our buying competition. The highest sale of their prelaunch was also achieved via Questly.

  3. For ClipperDEX, we helped them reengage 81% of users, grow 8.5X trade volume, and 10X Discord members over time. Because of those numbers, we decided to invest time and effort on making QUestly available to other projects as well. We would not have invested runway time on this for any other reason.

I’m happy to talk to anyone who still has doubts, either here or you prefer to DM me in TG, I’m @gretaaterg.

Have a great day y’all :slight_smile:


Our Sushiswap campaign:


It’s time to do the temp check as planned.
The vote will be taken on Tuesday.
I look forward to receiving your feedback and will update the proposal accordingly.


It’s good to see a partnership between a service provider and members of the DAO.
I don’t think your investment in the DAO should be called into question.
I’m super hype by these quests and the idea of doing them.
I’ll support you :ok_hand::+1:


Did you really think we weren’t going to leak you some potential visuals… and quests (maybe)?
So here it is!

The proposal will be definitively updated tomorrow evening!


The proposal has been updated. Visuals, requirements, rewards. All that’s missing is you to make sure we have a great and fun month of December !!!


5 days to vote!
5 days to fly the flag for our DAO by supporting a UNIQUE partnership between Paraswap DAO members and Questly!

ETH, fun and a lot of knowledge awaits you in December! It’s up to you to decide!
ParaSwap DAO Proposal: PIP-46: QUESTLY/PARASWAPDAO Christmas Adventure (snapshot.org)

We would like to thank all the members who have taken the time to read and reply to us, and to all those who will place their trust in us in the future. WAGMI

Also remember to vote for the two other votes in progress written by the great