Launch ParaSwap on Fantom Opera Mainnet

100% in, the goal is to build a presence in all major chains. We’re working on that in order to make it simple to launch a new one quickly.


I don’t think theres even much to agregate on Terra, (UST is going into other spaces like Cosmos/Solana anyway). Yes to FTM/Sol advancement

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2nd Update for the proposal :
@disiaque.eth @dydymoon and all other Don’t hesitate to make comment if you disagree with some point :slight_smile:

5. goals

  1. Release the Paraswap DEX aggregator activity on Fantom Opera Mainnet
  2. Set the foundation for a next step → Set-up Liquidity pools → apply for the Fantom Foundation incentive porgram → raise liquidity for the DAO.

7. Metrics

  • Touch news users ( more than 1,57 millions of Unique adress on Fantom - 07/01/2022)
  • Handle more liquidity :
  • After the release of DEX Aggregator → Posibility to create Paraswap Pools and drive some Liquidity in order to get eligible for the Incentive Program on Fantom - More info here :
    Amount receiver PER YEARS
    • $5M to $50M TVL = 1,000,000 FTM / years
    • $50M to $100M TVL = 1,800,000 FTM / years
    • $100Mto $200M TVL = 5,000,000 FTM / years
    • $200M TVL and above = 12,000,000 FTM / years

9. Implementation Overview

  • create/bridge , review & deploy smart-contract(s) on Fantom

Thank you for this thread @Non0 , I’m really enjoying the amount of discussion it’s created , as well as the facts you’ve used to back up the importance of working on this chain and its feasibility vs other high TVL chains like Terra or SOL!

The Fantom incentive program would also be a very encouraging incentive for porting the chain over. I know Harmony has a similar program, and I think these would be great not only to incentivise ecosystem growth, but also act as free advertising for Paraswap for people who check the projects backed by the grants :smile:


The proposal was reworked. Please continue the discussion & vote here : Launch Paraswap on Fantom (Proposal v2)


A big yes for me !
Thanks for this proposal !

Amawing, archiving this post for clarity, thanks again for the work on the proposal Non0!


I think it’s very good. Give up more chains. Up both CEX floors

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