Addition of the Alligator Exchange to ParaSwap (Avalanche)

1. Proposal Number & Name

PSP-IPΔ11: Addition of the Alligator Exchange to ParaSwap (Avalanche)

2. Keywords

New decentralized exchange, product expansion

3. Simple Summary

Proposal to add the Alligator Exchange ( to ParaSwap.

4. Context

The Alligator Exchange is a new decentralized exchange on the Avalanche network. Since farming rewards started on Jan 1, TVL went from $350 to $89,000. Both the liquidity and trading volumes are increasing at a fast pace.

Being included on ParaSwap would improve what ParaSwap has to offer to its users and allow Alligator to attract more liquidity, thereby becoming a more useful resource to ParaSwap.

5. Goals

Extend ParaSwap’s offering by including an additional exchange, which could result in better trades for users.

6. Means

Presumably this would require very little engineering time.

8. Forward-thinking considerations

This should not interfere with any component of ParaSwap.

9. Implementation Overview


10. Voting options

  • Add Alligator Exchange to ParaSwap
  • Do not add Alligator Exchange to ParaSwap.

maybe it’s a bit broader than the topic but I would have some questions that would allow me to make an opinion on this proposal:

  • What are the risks for ParaSwap to integrate a new DEX? Can a DEX be a source of risk for ParaSwap? (I guess not but I prefer to confirm).
  • Are there any criteria for the integration (or not) of a DEX to the ParaSwap listing?

Honestly I would say that looking for the best rate necessarily requires scanning the DEX offer as widely as possible but there may be aspects I don’t know about:

  • Risk generated (see above).
  • Brand image ? (Only use established DEX)
  • Calculation time (does a large number of DEX make the calculation of the route longer?)

I would say that these last points should not be problematic, but a response from the team would be great to have an informed opinion and better understand how the dApp works.

If anything, I’m all for integrating as much DEX as possible, into as many networks as possible.