Paraswap Trading Strategry

1. Proposal Number & Name

Paraswap Arbitrage Permission Pools

2. Keywords

Arbitrage smart contract , Smart Contracts, PSP holder Incentive Long term

3. Simple Summary

The idea is using the power of aggregation to seeking arbitrage opportunity onchain .

4. Context

Another option generate more Spsp incentive to ours beloved Loyalty paraswap holder

  • There are many arbitrage opportunity fill every single minute
  • Arbitrage Permission Pools is open to PSP Holder which staked 50k $PSP ( Adjustable)
  • Only for who staked 50k $PSP are permitted to access to arbitrage permission pool .Permission Pools maybe require to stake (WETH,ETH) To Start Up .

Arbitrage Profit will change to $PSP and distribute every week (Adjustable)

5. Goals

  • Build a Buy Back Mechanism to improve Token Inflation
  • Generate More Profit To Community
  • Attractive More User , Staker To Join Paraswap .

6. Means

→Adding Paraswap Derivative Porduct

  • Bring more incentive to ParaSwap Staker
  • Implement a Buy Back Mechanism

7. Metrics

increase of stakers using ParaSwap+Another Printing $PSP mechanism. All can be tracked onchain

8. Forward-thinking considerations

  • The Profit Distribute can be adjusted depending on DAO .

9. Implementation Overview

  • Few Smart Contract have to build and Audit .