ParaSwap Python SDK Development

Grant Proposal: ParaSwap Python SDK Development

I. Executive Summary

Project Overview

This proposal seeks funding for the development of a Python SDK for ParaSwap, a decentralized exchange aggregator that provides the best liquidity across multiple DEX markets. The Python SDK will enable developers to seamlessly integrate ParaSwap functionalities into their decentralized applications (dApps) and trading bots, thereby enhancing liquidity provision and trading efficiency in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem.


The primary objective of this project is to create a versatile and lightweight Python SDK for ParaSwap, catering to both web3 and ethers environments. The SDK will offer canonical functions, ensuring developers only bring the functionalities they need, thereby minimizing the bundle size. By providing easy access to ParaSwap’s liquidity aggregation and trading capabilities, the SDK aims to attract more developers to build dApps and trading solutions using ParaSwap.

II. Project Details

Technical Overview

The Python SDK will provide a range of functionalities, including but not limited to:

  • Integration with ParaSwap API for liquidity aggregation and trading
  • Serialization and deserialization of data structures
  • On-chain verification of transactions
  • Support for both web3 and ethers environments
  • Canonical functions to minimize bundle size


The SDK will be compatible with Python 3.x versions, ensuring broad accessibility and ease of adoption within the Python developer community.

III. Project Timeline and Milestones

Phase 1: Planning and Design

Milestone 1: Understanding ParaSwap API (Week 1)

  • Study ParaSwap API documentation
  • Identify key features and specifications for SDK integration

Milestone 2: SDK Architecture Design (Week 2-3)

  • Design the architecture of the Python SDK
  • Define Pythonic abstractions for ParaSwap integration

Milestone 3: Environment Setup (Week 4)

  • Configure development environment
  • Set up tools for testing and continuous integration

Phase 2: Development and Testing

Milestone 4: Core SDK Development (Week 5-7)

  • Implement core features: ParaSwap API integration, serialization, and deserialization
  • Develop functions for on-chain verification

Milestone 5: Canonical Functions Implementation (Week 8-9)

  • Implement canonical functions to minimize bundle size
  • Optimize SDK for lightweight usage

Milestone 6: Documentation and Release (Week 10)

  • Create comprehensive documentation
  • Prepare the Python SDK for release on Python Package Index (PyPI)

IV. Budget

Funding Request

Budget Breakdown

  • Development Cost: $5000
  • Documentation and Testing Cost: $2000
  • Miscellaneous Expenses: $1000
  • Total Budget: $8000

We are seeking $8000 in grant funding to support the development, testing, and documentation phases of the Python SDK for ParaSwap.

V. Impact and Expected Outcomes


  • Availability of a Python SDK for seamless ParaSwap integration
  • Increased accessibility for Python developers to ParaSwap’s liquidity aggregation and trading functionalities


  • Enhanced adoption of ParaSwap within the Python developer community
  • Growth of dApps and trading solutions utilizing ParaSwap’s liquidity aggregation services

VI. Conclusion

The development of a Python SDK for ParaSwap will empower developers to leverage ParaSwap’s liquidity aggregation and trading capabilities within their Python-based decentralized applications and trading bots. Your support will accelerate the development of this SDK, fostering innovation and growth within the decentralized finance ecosystem.

Thank you for considering our proposal.


@Aviksaikat [Smart Contract Auditor, Systems Security Engineer, Lead Python Developer]

Previous projects

  1. bee-py ( Ethereum Swarm Foundation)
  2. swarm-cid-py ( Ethereum Swarm Foundation)

I see that you have indicated “Optimism grants” in the “tags” of your post, but unless I’m mistaken, the nature of the tokens required by the proposal is not mentioned.

For your information, the $OP held by the DAO have been transferred to the foundation to facilitate this type of integration.

If you would like to receive a grant in $OP, it would be wiser to contact the foundation directly. Other members of the DAO will be able to guide you better.

If your request is for a $PSP grant, you’ve come to the right place. However, I’ll leave it to other DAO members who are more technically knowledgeable to give their opinion.

In this second case, even if it’s not very easy given the detail of the proposal, follow the framework that pops up when you create a governance proposal post as much as it is possible.

Sorry, maybe I made some mistakes. I intended to make an application for a $PSP grant.

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