PIP51: Update Community Token List to Increase Quote Competitiveness & Gas Efficiency

Understood. The data shows that long-tail tokens generate very few volumes and way lower fees compared to the high-cap ones. Very hard to make the case for the future but automation can be the solution if the circumstances change.

If the vote donā€™t pass you will still be able to push the smart contract optimizations youā€™re mentioning. And it will be even more optimized WITHOUT those additional 2 conditions (Whitelist+Surplus cap).

You donā€™t even need the DAO approval to push smart contract optimization that doesnā€™t change DAOs revenue/profit sharing/surplus.

So anyway itā€™s a big win.

The idea is about passing on few thousand dollars worth few cents to few hundreds of dollars a year in order to build more reliability and efficiency

ParaSwap SC execution cost will be even more efficient without those 2 conditions in the smart contract, itā€™s a fact.

If execution cost is cheaper > we generate more volumes > we generate more revenue

So Letā€™s push the Smart Contract optimizations WITHOUT the conditions.

Itā€™ll be a Win for everyone

If itā€™s not a whitelist, weā€™ll have to replace it with a blacklist because of the issues stated before regarding rebase tokensā€¦ so weā€™ll end up with the exact same gas cost

You donā€™t HAVE TO add a blacklist nor a whitelist nor a 1% surplus capā€¦

Itā€™s a permissionless smart contract, partners issues are not linked to the smart contract but on how they integrated ParaSwap SDK/API on their (d)App, itā€™s a UI/UX integration issue not SC.

And regarding rebase tokens, if there is nothing to do on the integration/partner part about that, then just the fact that itā€™s more cost effective to execute the SC with rebase tokens as surplus should not be a reason to make the execution cost more for ParaSwap Users.

cheaper execution > cheaper price > more volumes > more revenue

100% agree and Iā€™m glad that we also agree that the gas cost for the whitelist is not gonna be a problem.

The 1% cap has 3 objectives:

  • protecting users against excessive fees due to various factors (bugs, volatilityā€¦). 1% is already very high compared to industry standards.
  • reliability: taking that much fees make many users upset and vocale about the bad experience they had with us which leads into a bad branding.
  • capturing more volume for small cap tokens as the vast majority of volumes come from meta aggregators where the gas is the main factor for price, which explains why paraswp has very little exposure to low cap tokens including meme coinsā€¦ itā€™s just too expensive to brand ouselves to a lot of crypto users that like to trade these kind of tokens.

No I donā€™t agree, adding 2 (unnecessary) conditions in the smart contract will cost more to execute than without.

I gas terms:

if isBlacklist() = if isWhitelist()


No condition at all is better in term of gas

We have no choice, rebase tokens cause reverts because of FeeClaimer